Psalm 91 KJV, King James Version of the Holy Bible
A Powerful Prayer of Protection
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By Apostle Quinson Thomas. Updated on October 18, 2023.
It is our prayer that you enjoyed reading KJV version of psalm 91 with us. You can also watch a video of the 91st psalm here. May God bless you!
When Jesus Says Yes, Nobody Can Say No - A Brief Look at Psalm 91 in More Detail.
In these psalms, you're going to see the majesty of God. Particularly in Psalm 91, compiled by King David, but believed to be written by Moses, you're going to see the protection of God as He promises to give salvation and long life to those who Know His Name. You're going to see the goodness of God and His Love. And, undoubtedly, you will see His great power.
In this rendering and study of Psalm 91, we will only be looking at the (KJV) King James Version of it.
It is Psalm 91 (Old Testament) that The Lord Jesus Christ, in the New Testament, references when His disciples came back with the good news that even demons were subject to them in His Name.
He covertly referenced Psalm 91 when He said that He gave them authority over all the power (dunamis) of the enemy and nothing shall hurt them.
Nothing shall harm you! The Lord Jesus Christ assured His disciples and us by extension that we have God's protection.
In Psalm 91, we can see many promises of God's protection. You should take great comfort in the divine protection of God from all the powers of darkness. And this protection is from dwelling in the secret place of the Most High!
The God that we serve is powerful.
I've seen God heal the sick, perform miracles, and deliver people from demons, just as the Holy Bible said that he would.
I've seen God provide jobs, pay school fees, and so much more. He is awesome! And it is our prayer at Alive Christians that you see how great and awesome He is too!
These psalms are very powerful and will speak to the delivering power of God in your life because it is in the psalms that we see God's character as a mighty deliverer.
It doesn't matter what demonic power you may be facing. It doesn't matter if you're facing financial setbacks or problems in your wealth and relationships. Whether you're tossed in your mind and body if this is a sin or if that is a sin, be at peace.
The Mighty God that we serve is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ask or image according to the power that works in us - Ephesians 3:20.
So, if you're in any need of His delivering power, the Psalmist shows how good and Mighty God is. And He will come through for you. Just put your trust in Him.
I remember that there was a gentleman I had been speaking to who was contemplating suicide. He was having a really hard time. So as the Holy Spirit led, I spoke to him and encouraged Him in the Lord. During our talks, I was yielding to the Lord for Him to use me as a vessel, or a point of contact between Him and this man. And the more that I spoke the better He felt.
You see, if you submit to God and resist the devil, he will flee. And that's what The Lord was directing me to do.
After I was finished speaking with this man, he remarked, "This is the best I've felt in a long time!"
The Psalms show that God is faithful and terrible in His dealings with those who are against Him and His people. May you find comfort in knowing that God is a mighty man of war and the bishop and guardian of your soul, in Jesus' Name.
We sincerely hope that you enjoyed Psalms 91 KJV with us today.
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Apostle Thomas has served 16 years in ministry.