By Apostle Quinson Thomas, Updated on April 11, 2022
Today we're going to be looking at prayers for peace. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace. And the Lord Jesus Christ wants you to be at rest. One of the blessings of having peace in your life is restful thoughts, where nothing bothers you.
Let's start our peace prayers. Prayer Videos are at the bottom of the page.
- Pray this short prayer of peace from your heart
Dear Heavenly Father and Almighty God, in the name of Jesus, we thank you for the Lord Jesus Christ and for sending Jesus Christ into the world to die for our sins. And we know that through Him we have peace and reconciliation with you. We receive that peace now Lord God in Jesus' Name.
- Pray this short prayer for inner peace
Dear Heavenly Father, now we ask Lord God that you release inner peace to us. Release what Jesus has come to give us the peace that comes from you. Dear God, in the name of Jesus we ask Lord, that You gave us perfect peace, perfect peace that comes from you; perfect peace that is not as the world gives. We ask for the perfect peace that is within.
- Some more prayers for peace
Oh Lord with this peace within, we ask oh Lord that you outpour your love upon us and cause our mind, our hope, and life oh God to resemble yours. Cause us to live with justice and equity, causes us to live with assurance and hope. Cause us to live the way that you would want us to live with your presence ever before us.
- Pray this powerful prayer for peace from disease, relationship upheaval, and wars in your life and for world peace
Father God, We pray for Your Grace to continually work within us. We pray Lord that Your comfort, Dear God would continually be in us and upon us. We ask Lord, in the name of Jesus, that you pour upon the earth your peace; your peace from conflict, war, peace from disease, financial difficulty, and relationship upheavals. We ask Lord for peace. We ask Lord that there be peace in the Holy Land, peace in Jerusalem. Lord, we pray for peace there. May you bless us and cause us to live in peace in the earth in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
- Some prayers for peace and assurance
We pray, Lord for Peace Lord, so we may have courage in this time. I ask you Lord for courage, courage that comes from having peace with you, knowing that you are with us never to leave us nor forsake us. Just as Joshua was able to have that peace to know and the assurance to know that you are with him. We pray, Lord, that You would cause us to know that you are with us, oh Lord.
- Pray this powerful prayer for peace of mind from the heart.
Dear Lord, We pray for Your mind, for Your thinking, for Your concepts, for Your ideas, to permeate all our ideas. Let the mind that was in Christ Jesus, be within us and let our thoughts oh God be thoughts that are at peace with you. Let our thoughts and meditations of our heart be acceptable in thy sight O God our strength and our redeemer. Almighty God, we pray for your goodness, Lord to be upon our minds and lives. Fill my mind with the thoughts of You and remove all anxious thoughts. Fill my mind with your goodness and truth and help my mind to recall your goodness towards me in the Name of Jesus.
- Pray this prayer of peace from the heart in The Name of Jesus.
We pray Lord for families, we pray, Lord that you would bless them with perfect peace. Lord, we pray, Lord that you will give each family member peace within. Peace within that causes them to live right, peace within the causes them to seek after you, peace within that causes them to know that you are God. Peace within as well in Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen.
- Some more prayers for peace and promise.
We pray Lord for peace that will give us hope to live another day. We pray for peace that gives us hope to move past the obstacles, hope to believe in you, and trust wholeheartedly in you. We pray, Lord of the life, Lord that you've come to give us with as this wonderful and majestic peace permeates our very being. Just as the Lord Jesus Christ said, in John 10:10, that the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come, that they may have life and life more abundantly. Let this life that Jesus came to give us be our portion always, in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.
- Some more prayers for peace
We pray, Lord, that You would increase our faith. Let our trust Lord, come from you. The Bible in the bible verse of Romans 10:17 says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. We pray, Lord, that You give us the ability to hear. Cause us to hear your words, and let your presence and your eternal peace be with us always. We pray, Lord for peace in the earth. We pray, Lord, for governments in the world. Father God, we pray that governments Lord would be completely submitted to you. And that Lord, that in Jesus name that people around the world would reach you, would find you when they search with all their hearts. And you will reveal yourself to them.
- Pray this prayer for peaceful assurance from the Lord with regards to your life and calling.
We pray, Lord, for revelation of who you are, for the earth, in the name of Jesus. Give us Lord as the church, the courage to live, as you would have us to live; give us the courage, Lord, to lift up powerful prayers, to lift up the name of Jesus, to lift up Christian prayer around the world, not being afraid of calling the name of the Lord.
-Pray this prayer of peace by St. Francis
Lord make Me an instrument of Your peace
Where there is hatred let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, light.
Where there is sadness joy.
O Divine Master (Jesus) grant that I may
Not so much seek to be consoled as to console
To be understood, as to understand.
To be loved. as to love
For it's in giving that we receive
And it's in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it's in dying that we are born...
To eternal life.
Prayer For Faith
- Another prayer for peace and assurance in serving the Lord.
Dear Lord, I pray that the faith that the apostles had, that that same faith Lord, will be the faith that we have, Lord and that this faith, Lord, will continue to grow. I pray, Lord, that the faith that Peter, James and John, and the other apostles had will be the faith that we live in as The Church. Lord, let the mind of Christ be our portion. Let the mind of Christ be our portion byt the power of the Holy Spirit. Let the faith, O God of the Lord Jesus Christ to be our portion In Jesus' mighty name.
- Pray this prayer for healing and covering
Father, we thank you for everything that you're doing in our lives. We thank You for Your blessing, Almighty God, we thank you for your peace and your presence, O God. Help us Lord that as we pray this peace prayer, that you would be with us, that you would strengthen us, and that you would empower us. We pray Lord these prayers for peace, Lord, so that we may have peace in our bodies, peace in our minds, peace in our thinking, peace in our families, peace in our jobs, peace in our finances, peace in the earth, or whatever area or thing You see fit, Lord, in the name of Jesus. Thank You, Father, for all that you've done. And bless us now by the power of the Holy Spirit always in Jesus' name, Amen.
- To Close, let's pray the Lord's Prayer with conviction
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Closing Notes
We trust that these prayers for peace have been a blessing to you and that you take at least one prayer for peace, take it as a daily prayer or morning prayer, meditate on the promises contained in it, and say it with confidence until your peace is fully instated by the Lord. It is our prayer that your mind will be at peace and that The Lord will fill your mind and life with conviction and the reassurance that He will never leave you or forsake you. May your mind be at peace in Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen!
You can also use these to make intercessory prayer on behalf of your family, friends, coworkers or anyone who may be experiencing a hard time or difficulty or someone who is in need of peace. To pray for them, just change the object in the prayer from me/my to him/her, or the person's name, etc. Each of these prayers can be used powerfully as an intercessory prayer on behalf of someone.
If you would like to make a prayer request, we would be happy to take your prayer request to the Lord on Prophecy Night, when we minister healing, peace, and breakthrough to listeners in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Request A Prophetic Word for free here.
You can also find some powerful bible verses on finding strength in hard times here
See our Prayer pages:
Here's a video on praying for peace by Pastor McKnight.
Here's Another Prayer Video for Peace.
When you're at peace, even when you're going through a difficult time, you have peace within your mind. Anxious thoughts are far from you. Your hope is built on nothing less but Jesus' blood and righteousness. Your life is overflowing with hope, expectancy, and peace in the Lord.
When you're at peace, you are confident in the justice of God, the power of the Holy Spirit, and your belief, and trust at this point is secure. Your will is submitted to Him and God's presence and eternal peace, radiate through your being, giving you comfort.
God wants you to have this peace.
One of the greatest areas of peace is in knowing Him and fellowshipping with Him. This is, in fact, the peace of eternal life. The Lord Jesus said it like this: He says that to know Him and to know Jesus Christ whom He has sent is eternal life (John 17:3). Our prayer is that you may have God's peace and eternal life in Jesus' Mighty Name.
Here's a short bible verse about peace:
John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
May the Lord Jesus Christ, by His grace, give you great peace.
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Apostle Thomas has served 16 years in ministry.