Music And Lyrics For Mother's Day at Bethel

You Make My Life Wonderful

You Make My Life Wonderful

Jesus Savior Pilot me, Help me to be strong

You lead me in paths of righteousness for Your Names' Sake

Lead me from death into life, Mighty God

Everlasting Father, Counselor

You make my life wonderful, Jesus, Lord

You do the impossible , Jesus Lord

You fulfill all my needs, Wonderful Savior

You are My Rock, My All

Jesus Savior, Pilot me, through life's great unknowns

Your voice inside speaks to me clear and I will go

Destroy the traps they've set for me, Mighty God

Everlasting Father, Counselor

You make my life wonderful, Jesus, Lord

You do the impossible , Jesus Lord

You fulfill all my needs, Wonderful Savior

You are My Rock, My All

Jesus, you reign

All authority is yours to wield

Jesus you reign,

With all power to raise the dead from the grave

From the grave (change key)

You make my life wonderful, Jesus, Lord

You do the impossible , Jesus Lord

You fulfill all my needs, Wonderful Savior

You are My Rock, My All

2. Forever and Forever

Forever and Forever

1) Lead me Lord, through this valley, When life's troubled seas roar

When I can't find any shoulder

Be the Anchor of my soul
Tell me Lord which way I should go, to restore my broken soul,

Let me hear your voice within me, you're the anchor of my soul

Forever and Forever You remain the same,

Even in the valley, Your Word still prevails

When my heart is broken, you are my hope and stay

Forever and Forever, our God reigns!

2) Here we are, You are with us. Singing songs around Your throne 

Of your saving work among us you're the anchor of my soul

Doesn't matter where life takes us, you are God and God alone

causing all things be in order

You're the anchor of my soul

Forever and Forever You remain the same,

Even in the valley, Your Word still prevails

When my heart is broken, you are my hope and stay

Forever and Forever, our God reigns

3) As we sing you are with us. When we don't know where to go

When life's pain and sorrow show up

Be the anchor of my soul

Forever You are faithful As your word declares this truth Faithful every generation

We can put our faith in you

Forever and Forever You remain the same,

Even in the valley, Your Word still prevails

When my heart is broken, you are my hope and stay

Forever and Forever, our God reigns