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Prayer Video #4- Great for Sunday Morning Prayer
Welcome to Alive Christian's Morning Prayer devotional page. It is our prayer that you will be released into your destiny with the help of faith based prayers with everything that you need to be the man or woman of God that He has predestined you to be in Jesus' Name. Look at why we pray below:
Ephesians 2: 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
God doesn't only want you to be saved in the sense that you'll be going to heaven and saved from eternal death (Matthew 25:46, Revelation20:15), but he wants you to occupy until he returns (Luke 19:12-13, Matthew 28:18-20)
This is our prayer for you. This is our prayer because we desire the Lord to be glorified in your life. This is our prayer in fact every day. And it's our prayer that it is yours as well.
It is our hope that through these morning prayers you will be taught the word of God and pray the will of God for your life so that His kingdom can come on earth as it is in heaven.
It is our prayer that as you use this page for your daily prayer that you will grow closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and that by His Holy Spirit you will grow in grace and glory and that through Christ Jesus our Lord, The Lord God Almighty will be your portion in every area of your life. May The Love of The Holy God be your portion to the praise of His glory. May these powerful morning prayers be what you need to get closer to Father God. May you find mercy and grace from Almighty God, our Heavenly Father through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen
Romans 14: 17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
Heavenly Father, I come before you in the mighty Name of Jesus thanking you for all that you have done. I ask you to show me your will. Show me what you would have me to do, for it is not easy at times to understand but I know that you are working all things together for my good for I love you and am called according to your purpose in Jesus' Name. Amen!
Let's pray:
Right now Father, I come to you in prayer to affirm that I hear your voice as the scriptures have declared about your sheep. Help me to discern and hear your voice today as I abide in you and walk in your ways, to the glory of your Name, In Jesus' Name I pray. AMEN
Here's a daily morning prayer for you. Pray with us here:
Good morning Lord! Thank you Father for a wonderful day. Give us all that we need and help us to always look to you for our help. Thank you for your goodness and mercy that surely follow me all the days of my life. I trust in you and as I have submitted this prayer to you, I believe that you've answered. Thank you Father. Thank you Jesus. In Jesus' Name, Amen!
Pray this with all your heart:
Thank you for sending Jesus and for being a good Father to me and for translating me out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Your Son Jesus. Help me to walk the way you would have me today and help me to live for you Lord Jesus, in Jesus' Name. Amen
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Alive Christians is a site, hailing from Atlanta, Georgia, that helps people just like you find their callings and walk those callings out to the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We want to be a great help to you in your walk with the Lord and it is our endeavor that you fulfill your calling from the Lord in full. was founded in 2019.
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Apostle Thomas has served 16 years in ministry.