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I prepared this page for people just like you who'd like to experience great music on the piano. As a pianist, I've been playing in Churches for over 17 years. It's been a true blessing. And now I'd like to pour back this ministry to you.
So if you're ready, I'd like to get you some of my music, hit on one of the red buttons here on the page to get your free music track and also to receive a free prophetic word from me or a member of the Alive Christians' Ministry Team.
You will love this! May the Lord continue to richly bless you!
As a new believer, I spent hours upon hours in prayer and in praise and worship.
As a pianist, I would sit at the piano and play songs from the hymnbook and sing to the Lord prophetically. It was an awesome time. It was during those times that I felt the presence of God very strongly. I don't know if you've had a similar experience, but praising and worshipping the Lord invites the presence of God where you are.
May you be blessed as you get one of my music tracks for free and a free prophetic word from the Lord. Enjoy more of our music below.
You can also get piano classes to learn how to play songs like this on the piano at The Alive Christians School of Music.
Be Thou My Vision lyrics
How Great Thou Art lyrics
It is Well With My Soul lyrics and music
Great Is Thy Faithfulness lyrics and music
Amazing Grace lyrics and muisc
Blessed Assurance lyrics and music
Away in A Manger lyrics and music
12 Days of Christmas lyrics and music
Hark The Herald Angels lyrics and music
Joy To The World lyrics and music
You can Go here For Online PIano Classes To learn from Quinson or one of our teachers at the Alive Christians School of Music.
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Atlanta, GA 30318
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Apostle Thomas has served 16 years in ministry.