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Why Women Cannot Be Pastors In The Church - Biblical Answer #1

Why Women Cannot Be Pastors In The Church - Biblical Answer #1

Apostle Quinson Thomas Apostle Quinson Thomas
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Is it lawful for a woman to be a pastor? The Bible, in the book of Genesis, shares with us the story of the fall, and there we see that the devil in the serpent doesn't go to Adam, but he goes to Eve (Genesis 3:13, Genesis 3:1-24 )

Can a woman be a pastor? As we'll soon see, the clear answer is no.

It's important in this regard to understand that Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived, according to First Timothy, It's important here to notice that Adam was not deceived.

The Woman Was Deceived, Not The Man

He, Adam was not deceived because God designed him to tend and to keep or to build and protect and so in the building and protection role in the church, likewise, God has set the man for that is what a pastor is. A Pastor is the quintessential man, God's man in the house of God.  Grow Your Church with SEO

Does The Bible Allow Women To Be Pastors?

This is why, when the Apostle Paul was giving the instructions concerning who's to be an elder or overseer, he says he's to be a husband of one wife, able to rule his own house well, for if a man know not how to rule his own house, how can he take care of the house of God. (1 Timothy 3:5

What was he saying for the title and role of Pastor? 

A man has to be placed in the office of pastor or overseer, because it is in the design of God for the man to tend and keep.

When we go to the text in Genesis, we see that the serpent went to the one who was not designed to tend and keep; he went to the woman. 

And so in the Apostle Paul's instructions concerning who is to be teaching and and all of that in the church. He mentions that the man was created first.

That's authority and that's specific design from God. 

The Man was Created To Tend(Build) And Keep (Protect) Specifically, But Not The Woman

God designed the man specifically for the tending and keeping function. 

The woman was built for the man, and not directly for God in the tend and keeping role. This is important. 

The Apostle Paul goes on and he says that the man was not deceived, again illustrating that God's design of the man was in some way against deception as he was tasked to tend(build) and keep(protect).

Woman Pastors are Unbiblical

Clearly the Lord did not design the woman for headship, or pastoral function in the Church. The Pastor is to build and protect the sheep from deception. God's will from the very beginning is for the man to do so.

For A full breakdown of the this topic of whether or not a woman is allowed to be a pastor biblically go here: 

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