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Which Bible Verse Supports Divorce (Biblical Truth)

Which Bible Verse Supports Divorce (Biblical Truth)

Apostle Quinson Thomas Apostle Quinson Thomas
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Question: Which Bible verse supports divorce?

The Bible verse that supports divorce are found in Matthew 5:31-32 and Matthew 19:8-9, and there we see in these two different areas, that divorce is permitted in the case of fornication. 

And it's important here to realize the contrary to what a lot of people teach is that fornication here is not in reference to adultery or cheating on your spouse with someone else when married, because for that, the Lord uses a different word. 

When referencing adultery within a marriage in Matthew 5 He uses the word for adultery. 

Why would He use another word(fornication)in the following texts to reference adultery when just before He used the word for adultery when referencing infedility in a marriage. The answer is simple it follows that fornication here, as used, does not refer to cheating within the marriage. Read My Full Article On Divorce, Remarriage and the Exception Clause (Must Read) We will see from the Lord's entire presentation that fornication here has to do with those sexual relationships that are forbidden by God in Leviticus 18. The premise of the Lord's statement in Matthew five is that whom God has joined together, let no one put asunder, implying that there are people that God does not join together, but those that God does join together, are not to be separated. 

Scriptures About Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage

Remember The Order of God given by the Lord Jesus in the The Lord's Prayer: Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will Be Done on Earth as it is in heaven!

Now when you read, Whom God had has joined together let no one put asunder, makes sense.

So when the Lord Jesus was saying except for fornication, He was referencing those that the Lord did not put together, those who were put together by human beings, but not by God. 

Read My Full Article On Divorce, Remarriage and the Exception Clause (Must Read)

And how do we know who God joins? 

We do this by studying the Word. And when we go to Leviticus 18, we see types of relationships that are forbidden by God and upheld in the New Testament as forbidden fornication relationships. 

Even the incest that took place in the book of Corinthians goes hand in hand with the Levitical text here in Leviticus 18. 

We know that incestual relationships are forbidden by God, and are thus not joined together by God, for God cannot sin. 

The Lord Jesus when He mentioned "except for fornication" is referencing the Levitical texts that display forbidden relationships, or relationships that God does not join together, because elsewhere in Scripture, He just blanketly says, If you divorce and remarry, that's adultery and He gives no exception. 

Read My Full Article On Divorce, Remarriage and the Exception Clause (Must Read)

Therefore it follows that He's talking about lawful marriage in those instances of no exceptions. Lawful marriage as The Lord Jesus commands cannot be put asunder without it being sinful for God joined them together.

But in the Matthew text, he brings to light the understanding that there are illegal or forbidden marriages that should be done away with, as the scripture says that we are to flee fornication, and so fornication would come in line with incest and also with marrying someone that is the spouse of someone else, just like John the Baptist was telling Herod that it is not lawful for him to have his brother Philip's wife directly referencing Leviticus 18.

And so this text here in Matthew five supports divorce, but only divorce from a marriage that God has not joined together. Only divorce from a marriage that God has not joined together, as seen in the Leviticus 18 text and upheld by The apostles, are permitted to be divorced or put asunder because God Himself did not join them together. 

Remember, Thy Will Be Done on Earth as It Is In Heaven? 

Fornication marriages are not the will of God in heaven, and so neither should they be on earth.

Likewise, lawful marriages are the will of God in heaven and should be so on earth. 

Whom God has joined together (His will in heaven), let no one put asunder (on earth)

As the Apostle Paul says, if someone who is married (lawful or legal marriage in the sight of God), divorces (they are not to but the heart of man), they are not permitted to remarry someone else. They can only remarry the spouse to whom they were lawfully married, because that spouse is theirs (God didn't separate them) until death, or rapture (both are used in separation by God) according to the Scriptures.

Read My Full Article On Divorce, Remarriage and the Exception Clause (Must Read)

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