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What is The Spiritual Gift of Miracles? (Test Answers)

What is The Spiritual Gift of Miracles? (Test Answers)

Apostle Quinson Thomas Apostle Quinson Thomas
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Question: What is the Spiritual Gift of miracles (the working of miracles)?

The gift of the working of miracles is a powerful gift of The Holy Spirit that defies natural law. 

It is a dynamic and explosive gift. The growing of a new limb, feeding thousands with only a plate of food, creative miracles like a new kidney or new heart all are considered miracles. It's important to not here that in the working of miracles there is a type of spiritual labor or work that must ensue for the manifestion of the ultimate miracle.

Unlike the other gifts that tend to be in Your face after you take a step of faith (The Holy Spirit brings about the result), the gift of the working of miracles has many steps. Now, other gifts can involve a process, but this gift specifically is a progressive gift. It is "okay, you do this, then this happens; you do that, then this happens." 

Look at the Strong's concordance for the root word used for working in the term "working of miracles." 

Notice the root word energeo means working in a situation which brings it from one stage(point) to the next, like current energizing a wire, bringin it to a shining light bulb! 

Here we see the progressive nature of the gift of the working of miracles.

The operation of this is seen with the Lord Jesus Himself, when He told disciples to tell the people to sit down in groups of 50. What was He doing? He was working the miracle.

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 So the Father revealed it to Him and the Spirit communicated that this is how You should do it. He was progressively working the miracle as seen in Matthew 14:13-21. He got the fish and loaves from the young man, then blessed and broke them, and then gave them to the disciples to give to the people. 

The Working of Miracles Is A Process-Type, Progressive Gift That Yields Explosive Power.

Do you see the number of steps that are involved in the working of this miracle? There are at least 4 or 5 steps there! That is the way that the gift of the working of miracles happens. 

It tends to operate in levels or stages, and so you have to stay with it, as the Lord is leading you to go through the different levels or steps to bring about the effectual or final miracle.

So it's different from healing, in that healing tends to be a single step, or maybe two steps, but the working of miracles is usually a step by step type thing, and the power of it increases, so that at THE END THE MIRACLE speaks!

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