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What does the Bible Say About A Man Being A Man (Masculinity Series)

What does the Bible Say About A Man Being A Man (Masculinity Series)

Apostle Quinson Thomas Apostle Quinson Thomas
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What does the Bible Say About Men Being Men?

What does the Bible say about a man being a man? We know that being a man is not based on the fact that as a man you can be shirtless or that you can grow a beard. We know from scripture, from the Garden of Eden, even until the time of the end that men are called to be men, not soft or effeminate, not fearful, not lustful in an ungodly way, but righteous, full of faith, full of courage and strength, wise. 

My favorite scripture concerning men being men is in the book of Proverbs and there it shares that the glory of young men is their strength and the glory of old men is their gray hair, and of course this symbolizes their wisdom. 

Proverbs 20:29

Men Must Stand Up And Be Strong Physically, Mentally and Spiritually.

That Proverbs text shows us that men are to be strong, physically and mentally and spiritually, because physical strength brings about that power in the physical body, but strength in the mind, in thinking, brings about wisdom. 

  • Seeking after the things of God requires strength. 
  • Doing things God's way, even when society and culture says that you're supposed to do it a certain way, requires strength. 
  • Obeying the Word of God requires strength

bible verses about manhood and being a man Read My Detailed Article On Men Being Men and What The Bible Says Men Should Be (Must Read) This is what we need men to be, what they ought to be and that is strong, both physically, mentally, and spiritually. 

And so when it comes to the understanding of men being men in and outside of the Church, it comes down to strength, strength that God has given in the body, and honing that, and strength that God gives in the mind, using our intellect to do the will of God as His Spirit quickens us and leads us into all truth. 

This is what men are supposed to be. And in today's age of effeminacy and metrosexuality, men need to stand up and be the men of God, that He has called us to be - physically, mentally, and spiritually strong by the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus' Name; following the example of the perfect man Christ Jesus who laid down His life so that we can live through Him. 

Read My Detailed Article On Men Being Men and What The Bible Says Men Should Be (Must Read)

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