Table of Contents
Prophetic Word for The Month
We've uploaded 4 power-packed videos of the prophetic word for the month of March below. You can follow the order to get the gist and then come back to specific weeks for direct insights from the Lord into those weeks in the month of March 2025.
Hope you like this format. May God bless you as you listen in Jesus' Name.
Prophetic Piano Music With Lyrics
Since this month is going to be a time of great changes for the better, the month is crowned by glory and assurance from God and so I thought it fitting to use my new song, Jesus Savior Pilot me as the prophetic lyrics for this month, and play the popular hymn It Is Well With My Soul, listed in order. God bless you!
Jesus, Savior Pilot Me (excerpt), Original Song by Apostle Quinson Thomas
Jesus savior pilot me, help me to be strong
You lead me in paths of righteousness for Your Name's sake
Lead me from death into life, Mighty God
Everlasting Father, Counselor
You make my life wonderful, Jesus, Lord.
You do the impossible, Jesus Lord
You fulfill all my needs, Wonderful Savior
You are My Rock, My All In All
It Is Well With My Soul Lyrics, written by Horatio Spafford
The Lord knows this past year has been trying but this month is the pivotal month in which many wrongs will be made right, and the outlook for a brighter tomorrow will be upon you. Enjoy the Video of me on the piano below.