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Can A Woman Preach In The Pulpit? (Biblical Answer)

Can A Woman Preach In The Pulpit? (Biblical Answer)

Apostle Quinson Thomas Apostle Quinson Thomas
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Can A Woman Be A Pastor? Can a woman preach in the pulpit? The answer to these questions is No.

If you want to be like the world, if you want to take on the world's ways, then the answer would be different, because the world doesn't follow God. 

But if you want to know what God desires and what He wills on this matter, then let me take you to First Corinthians 14.

34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. 1 Corinthians 14:34-35

And there we see that it is not given for the woman to be in judgment of words or prophetic words or words from Scripture and so forth, for this was the very reason for her deception when she was given the task of judging whether something was from God or not, and she failed in the Garden of Eden when the serpent came to tempt her.   Can A Woman Pastor and Preach In The Church- Read my Detailed Answer!

The Bible says that the woman was deceived.

But did you know that Adam was not deceived? Adam was not deceived because the design of God in His tending and keeping role is to, in effect, protect against deception. 

Grow Your Church with SEOThis is why He gave some apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, and pastors, to equip the saints for the work of the ministry so we're no longer tossed to and fro, and so that we no longer be deceived by every wind of doctrine. 

Women Are Not To Teach Men or Govern In The Church

The roles of leadership and governance in the church are given to men, not to women, because it's the design of God for the man to tend and to keep and when the woman takes this role, she is taking the role of the man which is an abomination. According to the Book of Leviticus, it is an abomination for the woman to take on or put on that which pertains unto the man. 

And how do we know pastoring and preaching authoritatively from the pulpit is that which pertains unto the man? The apostle Paul in First Timothy, says that he suffers not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man or to take what does not belong to her, just like those in Asherah worship in the Old Testament did. 

For example, the Lord Jesus Himself references women pastors and preachers in the house of God, in Revelation 2 when he says, that woman, Jezebel (Asherah worshipper). When The Lord Jesus said that woman, Jezebel, He was in fact saying woman, woman who calleth herself a prophetess, and teaches. So she's teaching, she's calling herself a prophetess, and she's a woman in authority. Do you see it? It's all there in the Scriptures. 

Can A Woman Pastor and Preach In The Church- Read my Detailed Answer!

And the Bible says that those who are her children and those who do not repent of her ways, will be in danger of Great Tribulation, because those who escape the Great Tribulation are those who are worthy to escape the tribulation that is coming upon the whole earth. Revelation talks about the worthiness of the believer to escape.

Revelation 3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

So you have to live the right way in order to escape great tribulation. And submitting yourself to a woman pastor or preacher in the house of God makes you unworthy to escape the great tribulation according to Revelation 2:22.

Can a woman preach in the pulpit? According to the Bible, the answer is no.

No woman has ever been sanctioned to teach or usurp authority over men by God. In fact, the apostle Paul forbids it, and he says that this is not his command, but this is the Lord's command, and whosoever doesn't recognize it as such is not recognized.

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