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Biblical Mention of Legions of Angels After The First Communion

Biblical Mention of Legions of Angels After The First Communion

Apostle Quinson Thomas Apostle Quinson Thomas
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In Matthew 26, The Lord Jesus goes off by himself to pray, just after the first communion. Judas was announced to be the one who would betray him, and we know that on three different occasions, the Lord was seen praying.

Of course, the disciples couldn't hold up because the spirit was willing, but their flesh was weak, and this talks about human frailty in the face of fear and great spiritual activity. This, again, shares with us that we are to yield to the Holy Spirit with our physical bodies and not have our physical bodies dictate to us what we should or should not do spiritually speaking.

But after The Lord Jesus prayed that the cup would pass from Him, He said that they must go now and that He's going to be betrayed.

And we know from Scripture that Judas betrayed Him with a kiss.

Then, we are told that one of the disciples with him struck someone and cut off that person's ear, and the Lord upbraided that one and said, and I'm paraphrasing here, that He, The Lord Jesus could pray to the Father and He would send 12 legions of angels. 

We look at biblically accurate angels in this post.

The Angelic Legion

An angelic Legion is said to be 6000 angels, quite a big number. And so, when we have that glimpse into the spiritual world, we can see the utter devastation the man who was being demon possessed by Legion must have been in.  There could have been up to 6000 demonic spirits in him.

Imagine that. 

But now going back to God's holy angels, The Lord Jesus said that He could have asked for or requested 12 legions of angels.

Well, if we do the math, one legion is 6000 angels. 12 legions would be 72,000 angels.

God Uses Angels To Protect Us

The Lord Jesus said essentially that He could ask for an army to fight them if He so chose. From Scriptures we know that one angel is very powerful; one angel can kill 185,000 warriors, and so one legion would certainly have been more than enough to deal with the whatever was against Him in that place. But He said (my paraphrasing), "Hey, I got so many angels. I could have just asked His Father to send 12 legions of angels, or 72,000 angels."

That's quite a force.What Angels In the Bible Look Like

But He didn't do so, and just as the first communion shared with us in the bread that His body was broken for us and in the cup that His blood was shed for us, we can rest assured in knowing that our salvation is secure in Him and that whatever we ask from the Lord, He will give to us if we ask according to His will, including protection from harm, by means of these mighty angels.

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