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Are There Bible Verses Supporting Female Pastors? (Detailed Answer)

Are There Bible Verses Supporting Female Pastors? (Detailed Answer)

Apostle Quinson Thomas Apostle Quinson Thomas
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Are there scriptures for supporting women as pastors in the Bible? The answer to that is no. 

There are no scriptures supporting female pastors in the Bible. The main context for pastoralship is the New Testament. The Church has received instructions on doctrines, primarily through the apostles, and namely the apostle Paul, who was the apostle to the Gentiles. 

And we know from Scripture that The Lord, gave him instructions. And so in order to understand what pastoring is, which is a New Testament ascension gift which Paul, the apostle, by inspiration of God, brought to the table, we have to read the writings of Paul. The same one who wrote Ephesians 4:13 introducing the Pastoral Gift, is the same one who forbids women from being in the pastoral or overseeing role.

This prohibition is seen in 1 Corinthians 14, both in 1Timothy2 and 3 and in Titus

He gives clear instructions on who should be the elder, overseer or pastor in the church in the book of Titus, and in 1Timothy. 

Grow Your Church with SEOFirst Timothy illustrates that the overseer is to be a man, the husband of one wife, supposed to be able to rule his own house. 

Well, since a woman cannot be a man, cannot be the husband of one wife, and since the woman is not given the rulership role in the home, a woman with those three strikes cannot be a pastor, bishop, overseer, elder. 

To be a pastor she would have to put on the man which is in violation of Deuteronomy 22:5. and in violation of the law of God in Genesis1:26 for we were made male and female.

Can A Woman Be A Pastor In The Church (Read Full Teaching)

Doesn't Galatians 3:28 Support Female Pastors in The Church?

When we read Galatians 3:28 we see that the context there is not on ministerial function, roles in the church or the home, but we see that it is salvation scripture. It's a scripture that shares with us that we're all one in Christ Jesus.

The response: The Father and the Son, are one, but they are different in their roles, and the Son does not usurp the role of the Father. Similarly we in the body of Christ, even though we are one in Christ Jesus,  are not allowed to usurp our roles as male or female.

For a woman to pastor is for her to usurp the authority of the man and to play the role of a man which is the sin of transgenderism, a form of worship to the goddess Asherah, Aphrodite or Ishtar. Did you know that this goddess and Baal were among the most falsely worshipped in Israel? Doesn't this make so much sense now that woman pastors and preachers in the Church are so pervasive? God forbid that we should continue in idolatry.

Is there a passage in scripture that supports women pastors? 

No. Since pastoralship was introduced in the New Testament Church, there's no scripture that promotes or supports a woman being a pastor, but The Scriptures clearly forbid it.

This is true in the Old Testament as well, for the equivalent of pastors in the Old Testament are the priests and levites, and none of them could be women. They were all men. 

What About Deborah, The Prophetess?

 Now if we look at Deborah being a prophetess, some would say that this means a woman can be a pastor. No, this is not the case. Firstly, a prophetess is not the same thing as a prophet. It's not just a difference in gender.

 If you search The Scriptures, a prophet, many times, was also a priest or of the lineage of priests.  Samuel, Isaiah, Jeremiah are all included. This is very important, because in the New Testament, we see the apostle Peter, who is considered a prophet as well being an elder or pastor in the church. Why? Because the role of Prophet is an overseeing role in the Temple of God, just as all of the ascension gifts of apostle, prophet, teachers, evangelists and pastors are. They are overseeing/rulership roles in the Church and they are given to men. 

The Old Testament prophetess was never to function in the temple as an authoritative individual in the temple. Likewise, the women are not to be authoritative leaders in the church of God according to 1 Corinthians 14:34-36, but are to learn with all subjection. 

There is no premise for a woman being a pastor in the Old and New Testaments.

In fact, in First Corinthians 14, when Paul says, as the law also says, he wasn't referring to a law of the day as many people postulate. 

So what law in The Scriptures was he referring to that says that women are to subject themselves to their husbands?

Now, the Bible is broken down into the law and the prophets; this is what the Lord Jesus talked about. And in fact, the Lord Jesus put the book of Psalms, in the prophets, but in the law division, we would find not only the book of Exodus, Deuteronomy and Leviticus, but we'd also find the book of Genesis. In fact, in Genesis when God spoke to the woman, He said that your desire shall be for your husband, but he shall rule over you. And so we see the subordinated role of the woman by the law laid down by God before the law of Moses. It is not a Jewish law. It is a law of God. And in fact, when we go to First Corinthians 14, we see it confirmed that this is the commandment of the Lord. 

Can A Woman Be A Pastor In The Church (Read Full Teaching)

Women do not have any Scriptural support to be pastors in the house of God, The Church. And anyone who says that they do is a liar and in danger of great tribulation according to Revelation 2:20-22

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