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About Us - About Our Ministries and Apostle Quinson Thomas

About Alive Christians
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About Our Ministries

AliveChristians.com was formed, by the grace of God, by Apostle Quinson Thomas, a man tasked with assisting Christians and God-seekers in their quest to reach and fulfill their God-given destinies in Christ.

Nothing to the founder is as important as fulfilling the mission in Christ for which you were born.

What about you is special? What do you have that no one else on earth possesses? What did God gift or talent you with since the day you were born that you haven't been effectively using? Do you know the gifts of the Spirit that the Lord wants you to flow in? Do you know bible verses on healing the sick? All of these powerful questions are answered at Alive Christians and I'm pretty glad and amped that they have had the foresight and vision to put together such a powerful resource for Christians around the world.

Hailing from Atlanta, Georgia, Alive Christians helps people just like you find their callings and walk those callings out to the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We want to be a great help to you in your walk with the Lord and it is our endeavor that you fulfill your calling from the Lord in full.

The site features a verse of the day page verses for strength, devotionals, prayers, psalms, books of the bible, a christian book store, song lyrics and free prophetic word pages to help you, by the grace of God, fulfil your destiny in Christ.

AliveChristians.com was founded in 2019.

In 2024 Alive Christians officially opened the Alive Christians School of Music in Atlanta that allows Apostle Quinson Thomas to use his 20 years of experience in teaching the piano so that Churches can be fully equipped with pianists and keyboardists that can play instruments during worship.

It is also a great tool in developing focus and creativity that is relevant to our daily lives as believers as we serve the Lord.

Apostle Thomas hopes that prophetic psalmists and gospel musicians can be birthed from the School of Music to impact the world for God's glory.

Alive Christians has reached over 191 Countries In The World with The Gospel.

About Our Founder, Apostle Quinson Thomas

Our Founder, Quinson Thomas, when first called by God into ministry, shirked the call of God for his life, intent on pursuing a regular life and a career of becoming a doctor. But the Lord made things difficult and eventually the founder got the message, and started the ministry that God wanted him to begin.

Apostle Quinson Thomas has served in ministry for 16 years. He was baptized in the Spirit around the age of 16. It is his endeavor to use the gifts, talents and graces given to Him by the Lord to empower and equip you to effectively and fully do ministry in Jesus' Name.

In 2008, Back in the Virgin Islands, on the island of Tortola, Apostle Thomas started a radio ministry broadcast called, "Realizing Your Higher Calling". The radio broadcast each week had the potential to reach over 1 million homes. Through the broadcast, many people were touched, strengthened, healed, and delivered by the power of God.

In 2013, he got married to his High School sweetheart, Jemema, and moved to the United States where he now ministers from Georgia to the rest of the world. In one of these years, Apostle Quinson was broadcasted on two Christian TV stations to a potential 1.4 Million Homes in The United States.

With extensive ministry experience, Apostle Quinson as a Prophet and Teacher has been gifted by God to help the Church step into her success, destiny, and wealth in Jesus' Mighty Name.

In 2024, Apostle Thomas officially opened the Alive Christians School of Music to teach believers how to play the piano. With 8 Distinctions in Music from The Royal Schools of Music, Apostle Thomas hopes that The School of Music will strengthen Churches musically to the glory of God.

Also, as a trailblazer in Christian marketing and website development, Apostle Thomas has been helping ministries and Kingdom businesses to grow their online presence through SEO to the glory of God.

The Alive Christians SEO Services are now available to the Body of Christ.

Founder of Alive Christians

Founder of Alive Christians, Apostle Quinson Thomas (left) with reader (right) after a book signing.

Want To Reach Out?

Our Hours of Operation:

Our Hours of Operation are:

Monday to Friday from 9amEST to 5pmEST

Our Social Media Contact:

You can reach us on social media through the links in the footer of our site's pages down below.

Customer Support Email:

[email protected]

Speaking Engagement Request Email:
[email protected]

Apostle Quinson Thomas' Office Email:

[email protected]

Our Mailing Address

1441 Woodmont Ln NW #978
Atlanta, Georgia 30318

Text Our Phone Number

Text PROPHECY to +1 (844) 547-0733